I will not you retell the content of the documentation that is available on the site, but rather tell you about the key modules that will be useful for creating applications with unique functionality. Database – embedded database SQLite, it is easy embedded into the application. Network – the richest component for the interaction of clients and servers. Remember how many crutches have to add the functions of communication in real time for web applications: there are different Comet, WebSokets and other technology. Forget it, here is all that is needed for direct work with sockets: HTTP-server and client, as well as other nice bonuses like built-in component for IRC-Chat. Worker – a module for threading, taken as you already guessed from the specification HTML5.

If you need to do something in the background so as not to load the application, simply create vorkera and give him a task, it will be done in parallel in a nearby stream, exchanging messages with the host, not hindering it. ui – in this module are available to work with the clipboard, the taskbar and the tray. Based application Titanium'a will behave identically to the native system software without even knowing what's inside at Actually the web page in JavScript, complemented by opportunities HTML5. Modules to work with codecs and multimedia. While that is a weak point of the platform. That would be cool if embedded right video codecs, such as high-profile Google release VP8/WebM. This would provide an opportunity to do serious multimedia applications, tearing to shreds its nearest competitor, Adobe air, on his own field.