Observing these ways perceive that What is new each time is the great cast of the medias more ' ' performantes' ' available today in the market and already being used for many of the aprendentes it are of the school, what it causes an increasing requirement of quality technique of the part of students (Belloni, 2006, P. 62). The relation of the technological ways is Vast that act for the education, ' ' ' fits to the professors to make the choices; certas' to control the time of contact of the pupils with eles' ' (Barreto 2002, P. 95). Of this form, it can be verified that education in the distance contributes to ratify the urgent quo is the necessity of alfabetizar the professors technologically, since the EAD if incases in the process of pertaining education to the technological society of the future. The IMPACT OF the PRACTICAL NTCI IN PEDAGOGICAL the insertion of new technologies in the educational system requires a process of professional qualification, says technological alfabetizao, for the professors who will make use of these techniques in classroom, and consequentemente provokes changes in the education method. A characteristic of these changes occurs in the system of long-distance education, where the considered pupil as ' ' student autnomo' ' he develops a teach-learning relation more next to the technology of what with the professor, what it unchains one of the main impacts of the practical NTCI in the pedagogical one: the substitution of the relation professor-pupil. The tecnologizao of education stimulates the belief of that the computer and other medias can substitute the conventional pedagogical relation (Libneo, 2000, P. 66). It is an enormous deceit to think that the occured technological innovations in the schools will be capable to substitute the relation between professors and pupils; relation this that is basic not alone in the affective question, but also in the partner-cultural model ' ' padro' ' that the professor represents for the pupil.