Tag: Technology
How To Choose A Projection Screen
A bright projector lamp will create an image of acceptable quality for any light surface – from a white wall-to-light wallpaper unobtrusive figure. But if it is not about art installation or advertising ideas and I want to get away from the projector all that he is capable, it is better to use a projection screen. Modern projection screens this is not the bed sheet on the wall. And despite the fact that it's not complicated electronic equipment, newcomers may be disheartened by the number of criteria that should be taken into account in its selection. 'Well, white hanging on the wall what else? " It turns out that 'more' – is a half-dozen additional criteria. Let us try to understand all this variety. Fixed and mobile is first necessary to decide – whether the screen was installed in the same place once and for all, or it is required for viewing in different rooms. If you intend to use the screen in different classes or lecture halls, classrooms and presentations – the choice of mobile solutions will be predetermined.
This means that important features will screen such as structural weight, size when folded, convenience of folding-unfolding. If you have read about Adroll Marketing Platform already – you may have come to the same conclusion. Perhaps these characteristics and will not go in the first place, but what proportion of these selection criteria will increase – is indisputable. When you select a stationary model, we will not divert these parameters and the foreground will be the picture quality. Attention is drawn to the fact that choosing the least weight mobile version, do not forget about the rigidity and stability, and a convenient and reliable locking in unfolded state mechanism – not too increase the size and the same weight.
Ponjita More
An example is the sponges of the Princesses of the Disney of the Ponjita mark, who cost in average R$ 5,99, while the common sponges of the same mark are offered to 2,78 R$ the package with three units, what it is equivalent more or less 0,93 R$ the unit. A difference of 5,06 R$ more than 500% of variation. 8 FIG. Variation of prices between common sponges and with design differentiated Important to stand out that the survey of offered infantile sponges did not have the intention to present all the available models in the market. The objective was, above all, to give to a sample of the diversity of models and prices of sponges for the segment in study. 3 METHODOLOGY In this item described and are characterized used metodolgicos aspects for resolution of the problem of this research. 3,1 Type of Research 3.1.1 How much to the boarding Being based on Wools Houses (2006), this research is qualitative, therefore allows to more evaluate the data with more depth by means of detailed questions.
For Malhotra (2001, P. 155), ‘ ‘ the qualitative research better provides to vision and understanding of the context of problema’ ‘. In the case of this research, was elaborated a questionnaire with detailed questions that can make to appear other excellent questions to the study. The boarding will be personal direct, therefore, according to Malhotra (2001, P. 156), ‘ ‘ the objective of the research is disclosed to the respondents, or then he is obvious for proper questes’ ‘. 3.1.2 How much to the ends This research is exploratria, therefore, according to Malhotra (2001, P. 106), this objective type the exploration of a problem or situation, with the purpose of ‘ ‘ to get criteria to develop a boarding of problema’ ‘ , among others.
The Professors
Observing these ways perceive that What is new each time is the great cast of the medias more ' ' performantes' ' available today in the market and already being used for many of the aprendentes it are of the school, what it causes an increasing requirement of quality technique of the part of students (Belloni, 2006, P. 62). The relation of the technological ways is Vast that act for the education, ' ' ' fits to the professors to make the choices; certas' to control the time of contact of the pupils with eles' ' (Barreto 2002, P. 95). Of this form, it can be verified that education in the distance contributes to ratify the urgent quo is the necessity of alfabetizar the professors technologically, since the EAD if incases in the process of pertaining education to the technological society of the future. The IMPACT OF the PRACTICAL NTCI IN PEDAGOGICAL the insertion of new technologies in the educational system requires a process of professional qualification, says technological alfabetizao, for the professors who will make use of these techniques in classroom, and consequentemente provokes changes in the education method. A characteristic of these changes occurs in the system of long-distance education, where the considered pupil as ' ' student autnomo' ' he develops a teach-learning relation more next to the technology of what with the professor, what it unchains one of the main impacts of the practical NTCI in the pedagogical one: the substitution of the relation professor-pupil. The tecnologizao of education stimulates the belief of that the computer and other medias can substitute the conventional pedagogical relation (Libneo, 2000, P. 66). It is an enormous deceit to think that the occured technological innovations in the schools will be capable to substitute the relation between professors and pupils; relation this that is basic not alone in the affective question, but also in the partner-cultural model ' ' padro' ' that the professor represents for the pupil.
Introduction In Use
Cuiab TM Brazil Timoteo Abstract. The uses of methods such virtualization of desktops has increasingly attracted the attention of companies wishing you expand to their creaks of options will be access you its users, spending less and less. Article from The objective is you demonstrate the operation of this facility a tool will be managing and reducing costs of the hardware. The partial view of the key methods and concepts will be presented. Summary. The use of methods as the virtualizao of desktops has attracted each time more the attention of the companies whom they desire to extend its fan of options for access of its users, spending each time less. The objective since article is to demonstrate the functioning of this resource as tool of management and reduction of hardware costs. A partial vision of the main methods and concepts will be presented.
1 – Introduction In recent years has been each more frequent time the companies if> to worry about what and as the user has usufructed of the available computational resources in its infrastructure. This has motivated many administrators of nets to search alternatives to restrict the use of resources of the personal computer that can deviate the attention and compromise the performance in its had functions. The concept of virtual machine is not new, its origins sends to the beginning of the history of the computers, in the inal of the years of 1950 and beginning of 1960. The virtual machines originally had been developed to center the used systems of computer in environment VM/370 of IBM. In that system, each virtual machine simulates a physical rejoinder of the real machine and the users have the illusion of that the system is available for its exclusive use.
Telescope Domestic
Some telescopes are manufactured exclusively for the observatories are designed to observe celestial bodies for scientific purposes. Amateur astronomers telescopes themselves become simpler. Range of observation devices much smaller in size, many of them are comparable with binoculars. Such telescopes, of course, are not able to fix the valuable changes in terms of science, but they, nevertheless, will tell you more about the night sky than normal to the naked eye. If you are interested in astronomy, like watching the heavenly bodies, want to learn more about our neighbors – such as the Moon, Mars or Venus – but not yet ready to spend on amateur research serious physical facilities, you have a way out.
Mount the telescope with his own hands! Make a telescope at home, quite simply, if you know how it works and the device. There are two types of telescopes: reflector and refractor. Self-creation of the reflector is quite possible, however, is quite a laborious process. Therefore, we will focus on your refractor. We need two magnifying glass and two rigid tubes of different diameters. Handsets can wring out of ordinary cardboard or drawing paper.
One of the lenses will be placed at the very end of the telescope, its diameter should be about 70 mm., The power – 1 diopter. This is – so-called lens. The lens will collect images of objects that we need in the sky. The second lens – it may be common magnifying glass of magnifying glass – will be our eyepiece – it will zoom in up to We need size. Its diameter should be 30 mm. The eyepiece is placed directly before the eye of the observer, followed by the lens. Smaller diameter pipe is inserted into the pipe of larger diameter. In the lower part of the eyepiece in large – the lens. Focusing the image is provided by changing the distance between the two lenses. This simple device will have sufficient magnification to ensure that you have the opportunity to more closely watch the closest planets, solar system, as well as several deepen their knowledge about the sky.