Tag: games
And if it doesn’t exist, you can create a group of users. The transfer of files between remote computers ensures copy on our personal computer any program, article, image, etc. of the million available in the network. An enormous amount of freeware or shareware (if you like to pay a small amount to the developer who has done) is available in it: just have to catch it. However, applications that have been developed in more recent times are the information and knowledge management systems. It’s hardware/software systems that allow users to connect their personal computers to remote computers – using a client/server philosophy – in which a Server program is permanently attentive to search, browse and retrieve information that is desired using easy to use client applications.
Systems such as Gopher developed at the University of Minnesota, allow you to navigate much of information on the internet through a hierarchical menu interface. Virtual training: contributions and realities however, management systematic of such quantity of abstractions due to the extensive capacity deployed by technology, must be solidly from the sensitivity and attitude to rethink the universal virtual knowledge. This is travel to the universal digital, which imposes constant formations characterized by autonomy, independence, motivation and especially contextualization. In consequence, the contributions offered by the virtual environments for training are heterogeneous and possibly which has more impact for its implementation among others is the possibility of using telematic tools. These allow to overcome the barriers of space and time and achieve a communication in a context near or remote, using different tools such as chat, e-mail or audio and videoconference 1.
Other alternatives usually indicate more virtual environments training with equal breadth of information made available to users. Now well, in this regard we would like to make a series of qualifications. The first relates to not confuse the concepts of information and knowledge as sometimes tend to integrate with certain lightness, forgetting that the second requires reflection, structuring and personal assessment with respect to the first.