Labor Laws

Give way to a requested type of managerial leadership, new organizational architecture that promotes the operation of enterprises according to administrative systems and management of production processes, skilled personnel, financial resources, to provide foster their operational budgets. Specifically note: The changes that occur in the national and international environment. Where are involved the efforts of government, competitiveness, globalization, technology. The new ideological trends and their effects, as the case of the Venezuelan reality that represents changes, changes that must be managed to move businesses, organizations affected, assess opportunities, weaknesses, strengths, these changes will result. The new economic openings, alliances, treaties that have been evolving and has serious impacts on the economic, political, social worker’s new role to the reality that the performance requirements of this requires what the new Organic Labor Law for passing notes in relation to the rights of workers The impact of information, particularly regarding computer, where the efficiency of business will be entirely determined by the ability of executives to present their information handling environmental pollution and its impact on business participation in state programs ADMINISTRATOR IS WHAT DEMAND? It requires management professionals: Visionary, creative, entrepreneurs, innovators, strategists Trained, prepared with new knowledge of modern administrative and managerial topics. Knowing how to properly use the administrative tools according to the characteristics of the national stage.

Staying current on all issues pertaining to modern management skills, like knowing properly handle the changes. Knowing how to manage the full scope of impact and as the functional areas to facilitate the understanding of these areas and the continuous updating of knowledge in these fields have a strong administrative general training that allows you to interpret, understand and anticipate changes that in society and to facilitate the release of all necessary in the modern enterprise. Having a solid humanistic education, through which you can implement an efficient process of leadership in the enterprise. Fully identified with their professional growth, know how to motivate, persuade and to properly handle all matters relating to empowerment, coaching ontological properly handle human interactions and optimize results with teams composed of organizations build their human resources that are not only more productive and efficient, but learning organizations, learning and renewal that will enable the comprehensive development of society. Learn to motivate your staff to use their potential to create responsibly the results you want, where they cultivate new ways of thinking, lateral thinking or emotional, where collective aspiration is free and where people are continually learning to learn whole.

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