An example is the sponges of the Princesses of the Disney of the Ponjita mark, who cost in average R$ 5,99, while the common sponges of the same mark are offered to 2,78 R$ the package with three units, what it is equivalent more or less 0,93 R$ the unit. A difference of 5,06 R$ more than 500% of variation. 8 FIG. Variation of prices between common sponges and with design differentiated Important to stand out that the survey of offered infantile sponges did not have the intention to present all the available models in the market. The objective was, above all, to give to a sample of the diversity of models and prices of sponges for the segment in study. 3 METHODOLOGY In this item described and are characterized used metodolgicos aspects for resolution of the problem of this research. 3,1 Type of Research 3.1.1 How much to the boarding Being based on Wools Houses (2006), this research is qualitative, therefore allows to more evaluate the data with more depth by means of detailed questions.

For Malhotra (2001, P. 155), ‘ ‘ the qualitative research better provides to vision and understanding of the context of problema’ ‘. In the case of this research, was elaborated a questionnaire with detailed questions that can make to appear other excellent questions to the study. The boarding will be personal direct, therefore, according to Malhotra (2001, P. 156), ‘ ‘ the objective of the research is disclosed to the respondents, or then he is obvious for proper questes’ ‘. 3.1.2 How much to the ends This research is exploratria, therefore, according to Malhotra (2001, P. 106), this objective type the exploration of a problem or situation, with the purpose of ‘ ‘ to get criteria to develop a boarding of problema’ ‘ , among others.