Month: January 2016
Preparing Digital Images
So, you have a digital photo (all the same scanned or taken on a digital camera), and installed Photoshop (any version). Many face the challenge of how to prepare the digital images for publication on websites or to send an email to friends. As well as improving the quality, contrast, color balance, sharpness? As all the same fast and easy to do this if you are not an expert in photoshop? Easy! 1. Crop. It happens that the photo shows a lot of nonsense, then you need to crop the image, ie select a piece.
On the toolbar (left), choose an instrument Crop. In the options bar on top we enter we need the size of the picture. For example, the standard for the web 800 by 600 pixels. Kadriruem (by clicking the left mouse button in one corner of the image and keeping the cursor, left mouse button and diagonally opposite corner), select Crop Tool necessary part of the photo and press the Enter key on your keyboard or double-click the mouse on the selected area. 2.
Contrast, avtotsvet, avtourovni. In the menu item (top) Image? Adjustments three auxiliary functions, which can make life of our photos better! Auto Levels, Auto Contrast, Auto Color. Apply them in the queue. Look what happens. And remember that if you do not like the result, we can always press Ctrl + Z. 3. Sharpness of the image. In the menu item (top) Filter? Sharpen? Unsharp Mask. Apply this filter choosing the parameters of field photos. (It is not difficult to understand what's what.) If you put a tick in the menu 'Preview' can observe the changes occurring with patterns. You can simply apply a filter to Filter? Sharpen? Sharpen or Sharpen Edges, which will increase sharpness without your Participation automatically. Try and choose what you wish. It all depends on your personal preference. 4. BW. If you suddenly want to (because of the aesthetic taste of excess noise or what else) to publish his photograph in black and white, you will come in handy is another feature available in Photoshop. In the menu item (top) Image? Adjustments? Desaturate Desaturate picture. Sometimes the photos are expressionless, pale, as if covered with dust. It appears to due to poor contrast. If you want to increase the Contrast, use the help of Image? Adjustments? Brightness / Contrast. Placing a checkmark in the menu 'Preview', we can observe the changes occurring with patterns. Grab one of the cursor 'engine' and move it left-right. The top regulator – it 'Brightness' bottom – 'Contrast'. Adjusting brightness, contrast, press 'OK' button. 5. Save for Web in the menu (above) File? Save for Web. Opens a special window to save the images for the Web. Top right select the format in which to save the picture (for a photo jpeg – format, allowing a minimum file size with minimal loss of quality) and quality (low, medium, high, very high, maximum). See bottom left how many kilobytes will weigh our image after saving, depending on the quality of preservation that we have chosen. Push the button 'Save'. And another thing: always save the resulting image with a new name, making no changes in the source file. You may need to once again return to him. Also, try not peresohranyat file many times, because every time you save is lost money. Now you can safely place the photo in the photo gallery photo contest, to send to friends. I hope the above recommendations will be useful to you!
Choosing A Smartphone
When choosing a mobile phone each person determines how he will use it and what he wants, that would be needed in this telefone.Odnim 'workhorse' of the phone you want 'to call', while others want to 'bloat' – they would like phones with lots of useful features ranging from built-in voice recorder to the editor, photographs, obtained with a built-in mobile phone video camera. But many are not satisfied with these opportunities. They want to more freedom in the functionality of the phone, they often need specific functions, and who just wants more 'advanced' phone with large screen and a large amount of memory and the ability to set your browser to the Internet. Here comes to the rescue. A detailed discussion of the value of the origin of the word.
This word is a compound word smart telephone: smartphone. Smart English has multiple meanings that are similar in meaning. This 'mind', and 'Intelligence', and 'program control'. Any of these values are very close to the smartphone. The most widely rasshiforovka – 'smart phone'. In fact smartphone – a mobile phone with capabilities computer. It has a large amount of memory than a normal phone, has a more powerful video camera, can sometimes have a touch screen (screen, pressure-sensitive), and very large, 'computer' keyboard – smaller in size but has a traditional computer keyboard layout 'qwerty' – or built-in Mp3 player.
But this is not the main difference between smartphone phone. The main difference – it is the presence of a special operating system that allows add your smartphone capabilities by using it as a built-in system software, and install additional. One of the most popular operating system is symbian. Smartphones with this system produces opertsionnoy well-known company Nokia. Software for Symbian includes both direct program Symbian and Symbian games. Symbian programs have several hundred thousand items. The smartphone can be equipped with the organizer, not inferior to their capabilities to their 'desktop computer' brothers, convenient Internet browser, calculator – from performing simple arithmetic operations and finishing counting calories in food. Various applications starting from the editor, 'understanding' files in Word and Exel and end programs that allow you to trade on the international currency market Forex. Deserve a separate description Symbian games. The choice is all genres – from checkers to 'shooters'. When choosing smartphones from Nokia symbian everyone finds something that interests him: for some people important is the increased functionality that attracts other prestigious models of Nokia, third Intriguing, stylish design.