Month: February 2014
The Professors
Observing these ways perceive that What is new each time is the great cast of the medias more ' ' performantes' ' available today in the market and already being used for many of the aprendentes it are of the school, what it causes an increasing requirement of quality technique of the part of students (Belloni, 2006, P. 62). The relation of the technological ways is Vast that act for the education, ' ' ' fits to the professors to make the choices; certas' to control the time of contact of the pupils with eles' ' (Barreto 2002, P. 95). Of this form, it can be verified that education in the distance contributes to ratify the urgent quo is the necessity of alfabetizar the professors technologically, since the EAD if incases in the process of pertaining education to the technological society of the future. The IMPACT OF the PRACTICAL NTCI IN PEDAGOGICAL the insertion of new technologies in the educational system requires a process of professional qualification, says technological alfabetizao, for the professors who will make use of these techniques in classroom, and consequentemente provokes changes in the education method. A characteristic of these changes occurs in the system of long-distance education, where the considered pupil as ' ' student autnomo' ' he develops a teach-learning relation more next to the technology of what with the professor, what it unchains one of the main impacts of the practical NTCI in the pedagogical one: the substitution of the relation professor-pupil. The tecnologizao of education stimulates the belief of that the computer and other medias can substitute the conventional pedagogical relation (Libneo, 2000, P. 66). It is an enormous deceit to think that the occured technological innovations in the schools will be capable to substitute the relation between professors and pupils; relation this that is basic not alone in the affective question, but also in the partner-cultural model ' ' padro' ' that the professor represents for the pupil.
Google Search
List of 12 ways to improve the site, each item in this list can be done in a short period of time, and as a result of significantly improve the quality of the site. 1. Navigation: Navigation should be intuitive and simple consistent – make sure it is accessible and understandable to those who first visited the site. 2. Search: Sometimes you need it to the user. Of course, do a search with their hands than 10 minutes, but you can use ready-made decisions, such as Google Search. 3. The use of meaningful phrases (“Download price list ‘,’ download chart ‘).
4. Demonstrate how attributes such as ‘alt’ and ‘title’. Perhaps their use in navigation. 5. Main: If you use the code, which can irritate Users, for example, change the browser window, open the page in a new window, then remove it.
6. Page title (tag title): Add the consistent and reflect the content headers to each page. If you already have headers, Check to see if they are too long, and whether they reflect the content of the page. 7. Image: creating excellent graphics, do not forget to optimize it: not all users have high speed connections. 8. Logic and consistency: There is nothing worse than a site that works consistently enough or correctly. 9. Testing: Check (or ask others for each forum designers have such a section) website various operating conditions. Try to do this every time after a significant upgrade, fortunately it does not require much time. 10. Write for your audience: Can people understand your text? Think about your audience and avoid phrases that are understood not to all. 11. Objectives: When you create a content page is always objective and purpose of the visitor, try to combine them. 12. Participation in other projects: to get traffic and popularity, attend forums, blogs and portals of your subjects, take part in their activities, helps people advice given helpful links. Spend this 10 minutes a day, and you will get quality thematic traffic.
A New Way Of Communicating
For several years has been developing a new means of communication that many are already being benefited by him. Without a doubt we are talking about the phenomenon called the internet. Thanks to this new means of communication are shortened distances and time. Applications that can be given are varied and very useful to commercial level as staff and it is used by adults and children. E-mail, chat, social networks, YouTube, are only a small sample of the scope of this communicational phenomenon that not to grow and that we cannot ignore if we want to have a competitive company. Starting with the development of a web site, with clear objectives and a proper planning the company should enter this network search positioning and aiming to discover new markets.
At the same time show in the best possible way what the company does and the products it manufactures. In this sense the audiovisual is an effective format to develop this point since through this information is provided to the Netizen of immediate and useful. With this format, you can show its facilities, products, comment on them and even give testimony of their services. The user who navigates it resolves everything by internet, is becoming more demanding and mobilizes less to achieve something. If you need a phone number not going to phonebook and looks for him, going to internet and seeks him. If you need to sell a car, not going to the automotive to provide your car but takes a photo and hangs the notice on the internet is easier and more effective. So we could continue with thousands of examples where man is becoming more embedded the new means of communication, internet. Andres Camarano original author and source of the article
Norway Friday Oslo
Update: 10: 20 p.m. ET, 4: 20 a.m. Oslo At least 80 people are dead as a result of a rampage Friday on Norway completo Utoya Island, police said Saturday. Norwegian authorities say the attack, which occurred at the ruling Labour Al Qaeda completo Ayman al – Zawahiri has repeatedly singled out Norway in his videotaped messages for “participating in the war against the Muslims.” Theories abound about the specific nature of Oslo completo “crime”: the 400 troops it currently deploys to This is so horrible and so sad. A bomb went off in Oslo, Norway today, ripping through buildings including the Prime Ministers office. Horribly, thats not the only incident. Just The three major networks CBS, NBC and ABC did not break into their regularly scheduled programming to cover the bombing in Oslo, Norway Friday. At least two people were killed when the bomb went off in the Norwegian By the CNN Wire Staff OSLO, Norway (CNN) The scene after a bomb exploded in the center of Oslo on Friday reminded New Yorker Ian Dutton of what I have witnessed after the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks in the United States. The scale of the Oslo
Russian Armed Forces Ivashov
Russian General Leonid Ivashov, former head of the Russian Armed Forces, is one of the most knowledgeable people in the world, not only for the important position he occupied and allowed to enjoy a range of sophisticated tools: artificial satellites, military intelligence team of analysts and other networks of secret or confidential information, but also because today is vice president of the Academy of Geopolitics in Moscow. But the highlight of the General Ivashov is its transparency and honesty when talking about political issues of global power that are affecting mankind and other people of his condition be silent for reasons of state.
Introduction In Use
Cuiab TM Brazil Timoteo Abstract. The uses of methods such virtualization of desktops has increasingly attracted the attention of companies wishing you expand to their creaks of options will be access you its users, spending less and less. Article from The objective is you demonstrate the operation of this facility a tool will be managing and reducing costs of the hardware. The partial view of the key methods and concepts will be presented. Summary. The use of methods as the virtualizao of desktops has attracted each time more the attention of the companies whom they desire to extend its fan of options for access of its users, spending each time less. The objective since article is to demonstrate the functioning of this resource as tool of management and reduction of hardware costs. A partial vision of the main methods and concepts will be presented.
1 – Introduction In recent years has been each more frequent time the companies if> to worry about what and as the user has usufructed of the available computational resources in its infrastructure. This has motivated many administrators of nets to search alternatives to restrict the use of resources of the personal computer that can deviate the attention and compromise the performance in its had functions. The concept of virtual machine is not new, its origins sends to the beginning of the history of the computers, in the inal of the years of 1950 and beginning of 1960. The virtual machines originally had been developed to center the used systems of computer in environment VM/370 of IBM. In that system, each virtual machine simulates a physical rejoinder of the real machine and the users have the illusion of that the system is available for its exclusive use.
WebSokets Applications
I will not you retell the content of the documentation that is available on the site, but rather tell you about the key modules that will be useful for creating applications with unique functionality. Database – embedded database SQLite, it is easy embedded into the application. Network – the richest component for the interaction of clients and servers. Remember how many crutches have to add the functions of communication in real time for web applications: there are different Comet, WebSokets and other technology. Forget it, here is all that is needed for direct work with sockets: HTTP-server and client, as well as other nice bonuses like built-in component for IRC-Chat. Worker – a module for threading, taken as you already guessed from the specification HTML5.
If you need to do something in the background so as not to load the application, simply create vorkera and give him a task, it will be done in parallel in a nearby stream, exchanging messages with the host, not hindering it. ui – in this module are available to work with the clipboard, the taskbar and the tray. Based application Titanium'a will behave identically to the native system software without even knowing what's inside at Actually the web page in JavScript, complemented by opportunities HTML5. Modules to work with codecs and multimedia. While that is a weak point of the platform. That would be cool if embedded right video codecs, such as high-profile Google release VP8/WebM. This would provide an opportunity to do serious multimedia applications, tearing to shreds its nearest competitor, Adobe air, on his own field.