United Kingdom

The terms show with a name (and not to a specific person) in the 123people tag cloud on the Internet on the most common related attributes. The term cloud is calculated from the classical search engines such as Yahoo and other search results 123people. -Myth 4: Checks will not, what together pfuschen by 123people.at quite obviously ever search algorithm and swarm intelligence there profiles. … It dubious disseminated so long to false statements about a person, until it makes contact with 123people and provides all data correctly. 123people fact: 123people compiles any profiles, but displays a real time search results. This links to the original sources without saving the data. User can rectify as a result no data on 123people”.

A user individual, relevant links from 123people does not show him let, is this request by 123people in compliance with all terms applicable in Austria and privacy policy of course complied with. With 123people, any user can check his digital footprint easily and quickly. Thus, we make the important topic of eReputation management, so the active design of digital appearance, provided a democratic instrument. Russell Perry to get a big brother award, is absurd”, concludes. About 123people since February 2008, 123people.at optimized people search on the Internet. 123people is the most popular and largest Internet Personensuchservice worldwide per month over 25 million visitors.

123people.at is with over 1.7 million unique clients (MANOHAR September 2009) second-largest site in Austria. The startup company based in Vienna each user provides an online person search, with the simple fast, free, and reliable real-time information about themselves or about other people on the Internet finds. The search results are both from global,. as well as from country-specific, free Internet available data sources.

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SMACK Communications Is

Berlin-based communication agency developed a new online service portal for solar module manufacturer Inventux Technology AG sales support Berlin, 06.04.2011. For the solar module manufacturer Inventux technologies AG, communications agency of SMACK communications today introduces an online service portal that makes tangible and practical about the involvement of competent specialist installers the premium solar systems of the Berlin company for the consumer in the context of a sales campaign. Clean energy is currently on everyone’s lips, but until now it was very difficult to buy a solar power system for end customers. And it was even more difficult to find a specific price and to find a suitable Solar Installer. “We now have this problem with partners of the Sun ‘ solved ‘, SMACK explains Managing Director and communications strategist Martin Bruss the strategy behind this project.

Partners of the Sun”is an online service portal via the end customers under with just a few steps to a Solar Installer in your area contact get 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. In order to ensure optimal service quality in any time of day or night, all processes are monitored and controlled centrally via a proprietary CRM-cockpit. “New to the solar industry is also, that Inventux via the online portal partners of the Sun” offers complete packages for solar systems. The solar market is becoming increasingly from a specialist store a normal ‘ consumer market. “For us it was a logical consequence of early access to this evolving communication and information needs and to contribute to increase the market and price transparency”, Regula Bathelt, SMACK Communications Manager explains. SMACK communications developed for the customer Inventux technologies AG therefore an integrated sales and communication strategy under the umbrella of the brand partner of the Sun”, for the competent specialists as partners of the Sun were selected through a nationwide Roadshow. The focus of the campaign is in digital communication, which can ensure a nationwide targeting. In addition to the implementation of the online service platform also an online commercial with specially composed the Sun partner are “song, as well as various social media activities in the focus of the communication activities.

In addition, currently accompanying print measures are in terms of direct marketing tools and ad in the implementation. SMACK Communications GmbH SMACK Communications GmbH is an owner-managed communications agency that is specialized on strategic brand management and belongs to the pioneers of integrated communications. With the SMACK fire balance method develops the Berlin Agency for over 13 years of successfully differentiated marketing strategies and creative solutions for dynamic and innovative company. SMACK communications has extensive experience in the fields of energy, real estate, healthcare, IT, automotive and telecommunications. Current customers are AGAPLESION, IFM Immobilien, Inventux solar technologies, clean Energy u.v.m. More information: Regula Bathelt / Management Board SMACK Communications GmbH Wall Street 16, 10179 Berlin T + 49 (0) 30-789 02 100 F + 49 (0) 30-789 02-101

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