Tag: History
Mexico Politics
However, the American historiografia, says in them that the culture resultant politics of the batllismo was, in the Latin American context, the precocious and successful example of social modernization and politics. Batllismo (1903? 1933) (1942 – 1958) was the transistion project that it made possible that Uruguay surpassed, through established structural reformularizations in liberalism, the colonial politician-ideological inheritance. Its study it allows in them to verify the effect of a type of implantation, cautious and gradual, of a reformist iderio and a culture politics marked for the rationality and precaution, that it prefers to follow ahead. MEXICO: The JUAREZ WORKMANSHIP, IN the LINES OF DEFERRED PAYMENT AND MELCHIOR OCAMPO the scene of Mexico was of most complicated since its independence and the processes of creation of a state, simply the effective order was swaying. In 1853, the country was each cracked time more enters the hostile parties (conservatives versus Liberal), with great risks of disintegration of its territory. The president of the years of 1850, Sant? Anna tried to pacify the sides, also making innumerable concessions to the church, where it reintegrated the Jesuits and it revoked the 1833 law that civil justice suppressed the confirmation of the monsticos votes ahead. But, if its attitudes had intention of being conciliatory, had finished for spoiling, why these measures had discontented liberal and the military officers of the south.
Under the command of Villareal, a revolution ascended to palco of trams of the country. The intentions were the destitution of Sant? Anna, election of a provisory president for representatives indicated for the commander-head of the revolutionary army and a new constitution. The manifesto gained force and support of a figure that would come to be important, Igncio Comonfort and of its great apoiador of the south, Juan Alvarez. In 1855, not resisting the pressures of a possible revolution, Sant? Anna runs away to the exile and far attends of the ascension of Juan Alvarez the presidential power.
The Arcadismo
The arcade also catches other revolts. North-eastern with the bahian plot and the revolution of 1817. The Arcadismo catches separatistas revolts, catches the independence of Brazil. this period of revolts was not to toa. The arcadismo it brought a thematic neoclssica and buclica making correlation of Minas Gerais with old Greece, but also it brought iluministas and revolutionary ideals. Arcadistas, generally children of rich large estate owners, came of Coimbra, and even of France, they brought these iluministas ideals.
Libertarian of the revolution French, antimonarchical, republican and separatistas ideals. this even though brought rebulio to the colony in the period of the arrival of the monarchy, in 1808. Then this was the last phase of Brazilian literature in the colonial age. The one that helped to place end to the domain of the metropolis. The intention of the project is exactly this. To count to literature through history and history through literature.
We know that literature is a rich source of information of one determined time for the historian. It counts the customs, the events, the context. literature is the first resource of the historian to reconstruct the past. To apply this in classroom is guarantee of interest for the students. They discover the pleasure in the reading, combat the illiteracy, also discover the pleasure for the writing, start to have an interaction with the language. She not only discovers, of dynamic form and to transdisciplinar, its historical roots through what she said herself at the time of the colony, but also the customs that if would become the identity of Brazil that is today. It is also a discovery of the origin of the Brazilian language, the understanding of this metamorphosis of the Portuguese in Brazil. It is a contextualizao without definition, without limits, that much knowledge produces, mainly for vestibulando. Brazilian history can yes be counted in classroom through literature. It is necessary to show the pupils for whom everything is history, what literature can be.
Brazilian History
Far from intending to establish some type of rusga e, recognizing, anticipatedly, the undisputed importance of the Sudanese people or the iorubano group in Brazilian history, this project considers a reflection the narrative of the peoples in the history of Brazil. The target of this project is to make with that the people see as the society was and still it is cruel with the black people and to remember that during some years this cruelty remained as being something ' ' correto' ' of diverse forms these people had suffered and suffer until today since punishment until the elimination of its cultures. 5 THEORETICAL RECITAL Throughout centuries XVI, XVII, XVIII and XIX, the Africans had been removed the force of its country, brought for dutches, Spaniard, Danish, English and Portuguese, until the year of 1600. At this time five million enslaved Africans had been brought for Brazil who had in such a way lost its identity, and that today he becomes Brazil the second bigger black nation of the world. The settling in Brazil contributed for the process of miscegenation of the country. They join Portuguese, African indians and slaves, but the African people, the biggest population of this mixture that was enslaved arriving here in result of it I traffic person who trades slaves. The Brazilian economy in the colonial period (1500-1889) was escravista and was longest of history, with the duration of four centuries.
With this millions of Africans and its descendants they had influenced and they characterized the Brazilian society. However, the great population of Africans, after the abolition, was lost, the edge of the society to who, culturally, gave to its contribution, leaving for us its influences cultural. The Brazilian elite tried to import the European culture and to ignore the African culture, Davis (2000). It enters many afro-Brazilians in such a way they had resisted and they preserved the traditions and customs are of the domination structure. .