Sociointeractional Vision

Literal understanding is necessary for the 16 a knowledge much more developed and that it has taken in consideration the cultural and sociointeracional vision of the individual. One knows that the people of low pertaining to school formation or with weak pertaining to school formation, they do not have the formal language developed e, in a town in which variety that the majority of the people presents is the coloquial language, the waited agreement if it becomes well more difficult. This also makes it difficult the literal sociointerao. It does not have dialogue, it does not have envolvement between the interlocutors, and the speech does not reach its proposal ideological. The didactic sequence of the activity if proceeded with the election and delivers of some news articles of the Cinform periodical of days 28/02 the 06 of March of 2011 Year XXIX, edition 1455, for reading. The news articles were original, so that the pupils who did not know a periodical had access, they knew its structure and they perceived the diverse sorts gifts in this support and identified to the characteristics gifts in the news articles. After that it was given to the questionnaire for exploration of the knowledge of the pupil on the sort and possible knowledge of extralinguistic information: Which literal tipologia of the read sort? Which public is directed the chosen sort? The read sort well was elaborated stops to reach its objective? Which objective the author had when writing this sort? The used language is formal or informal? It explains. The way/used communication channel was adjusted to reach the objective which the author if considers? The sort despertou its interest? Why? Which the characteristics of the sort chosen in composition terms, content, linguistic level, intention? Which the discursivo domain of this sort? Which its reflection on the chosen sort? When analyzing the answers of the groups perceived that the news articles had been satisfactory.

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Interests Success

In this vein, it promotes spontaneity, fun and creativity of both students and teachers, taking risks in their learning, there are no recipes for learning, the non-verbal is as important as direct communication, so that our presence has little impact on the members, I focus on the aesthetic environment of the educational environment, is practiced sow truth and authenticity, but above all fraternity among all participants. Schools play a powerful role … to increase the individuality rather than a common vision … the success and individual achievement is strongly emphasized … Generally we are teaching them to be alone, to compete, to seek success … It is not that schools, as culture, not a significant source of identity, but these place greater emphasis on our individual identity, especially as it relates to our obsession with success and individual achievement. (Purpel 1988 (10) According to Edward T.

Clark, Jr (1997). Learning communities are characterized by ecological principles, interdependence, diversity, partnership, co-evolution. The key elements are: 1 .- In a learning community, the curriculum is "Life in all its manifestations." 2 .- A learning community provides a supportive learning environment, responsive, with values, responsibility, and acceptance, which increases self-worth , intellectual creativity, and responsible behavior. 3 .- A learning community is designed to reflect the interests and abilities of the trainees / students 4 .- A learning community is cooperative hunting 5.-A learning community extends beyond the classroom. 6 .- In a learning community, learning is participatory and that feelings and intellect are fully involved in every facet of the learning process.

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Distance Learning Course

It is through the possibility of learning online which involved a set of technologies and was named, “Technology Distance learning through computer telecommunications.” Commonplace forms of distance learning as a virtual school, distance courses itp Virtual school – educational institution in which teaching and learning process is carried out via the Internet. Material for training courses in a virtual school are presented in electronic format and uploaded to the website so way that authenticated students could use them. These materials generally include the texts of lectures on the subject, interactive tests and training simulators, dictionaries, etc. After reading the materials, virtual lesson, the student performs a series of tasks, which automatically scans the system, with the scoring.

Learner can interact with the network of teachers, advising on subjects. Networking Teachers can also monitor and evaluate the student’s knowledge, communicating with him via e-mail, by phone, online or through other technical means of communication. Certification of students throughout the course usually takes the form of the exam (full-time or distance). Distance Learning Course – a special, based on the use of modern information technology, the presentation of course content. Distance Learning Course is a basic element for constructing training using distance learning technology With the help of the Internet – technologies, the following forms of study: Chat sessions, training sessions, carried out with using chat technology. Chat sessions are held simultaneously, that is, all participants have simultaneous access to chatu.V within many remote university operates a chat school in kotoroys using chat rooms organized by the interaction of teachers and students.

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