Rudolf Esch

“Guide at WOM marketing” the two editors Anne M. Schuller and Dr Torsten Schwarz have illuminated this current issue from all sides. Word-of-mouth marketing”is for the first time, 45 leading experts from the word-of-mouth world have” the magic word, including such luminaries as Prof. Dr. Franz-Rudolf Esch and Prof. Dr.

Marcus Schogel, as well as Web 2.0 gurus such as Klaus corner and Dr. Martin Oetting teamed up to share their hints, tips and tricks for an effective offline and online-based referral marketing. Questions such as: what works? What has been proven? What are you do’s and dont’s? What is it in particular? are illuminated under realistic conditions. This involves including a recommendation focused positioning and the motivation of people who act as advocates, ambassadors, and referrers. A variety of methods, as well as a wealth of Campaign examples will be presented.

More topics: viral brand communications, online PR, social media marketing and controlling, reference marketing, reputation management, and mouth-oriented customer touch point management. The book consists of seven parts: strategic principles, milestones in the WOM, Word-of-mouth marketing on the Web, online recommendations and reviews, the practical implementation in the offline WOM, reputation controlling in the WMO, the implementation of the WMO.

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