Lack of personal vision just might be an obstacle immensely dense and difficult to overcome, that could stop you conquer any outstanding success, but that obstacle is imaginary and is in your mind. You are primarily responsible for clearing your path to personal success, professional, economic, etc … You assume, once and for all, your satisfaction or dissatisfaction Staff only build you up … and it’s no secret that one of the main causes of staff dissatisfaction is precisely in poor or no definition goals and objectives. Honestly, do you have a sufficiently clear idea of the things that should happen, so that you experience a state of satisfaction with yourself? Do you have defined a Personal Vision to three years of what you want to go through your life, and a plan of how to get it? Do you have well-defined and structured your goals for next year, and that they remain consistent with what you want to two, three or more years? Remember: There is nothing wrong with recognizing that you have not defined these issues …

The important thing is to accept and act. The truth is that the vast majority of ordinary people, who never excel at anything, it takes a lot to undertake this “Change Process.” They have difficulty focusing and focus on defining your goals, refuse, often without being aware of it, to pay the price for its success. And that is precisely why so NEVER come to nothing and resign themselves to survive in a pleasant and comfortable mediocrity. But please, NO CHANGE “comfort and tranquility” of an ordinary life, superficial monotone, by the action, challenge, uncertainty and excitement of a vibrant and passionate life. Do not abandon yourself to the comfort, convenience because this is a highly dangerous.

It is often said that success requires a price to pay, and this remains true, but I want to reflect on this question: What price do you think is higher, we pay every day to succeed in form of effort, time, money and emotions, or paid at the end of our lives, for a mediocre existence? If you really believe, deep in you, that your life needs a change, you need new challenges, new goals, new injections of illusion … ACCEPT THE CHALLENGE! Do not be afraid to change. Do not fear failure in your goals, because … What really “Tear Illusion men”, is not having goals and dreams to fulfill. Do not have a clear objective for the lifter Every Day “Real misery and frustration,” is not below the targets you’ve proposed. What is really sad and dramatic, is to NOT have goals to pursue, or have goals so bland and timid, why just be worth getting up every day. Goals that rather than encourage, nurture disappointment.