Michael Kapp, agency owner of PromoMasters.at, expounds new customer acquisition on Thursday, 14 October, in the context of the GoodDays 2013 Anif/Salzburg, with social media? For many companies put these new advertising opportunities full of puzzles. It is much discussed opportunities and risks, but also many myths created. The Internet marketing specialist Michael Kapp of PromoMasters.at brings light into the darkness. In his presentation, customer acquisition, the future of XING, facebook, twitter & co”Kohlfurst conveys practical know-how about the main services, tools, and opportunities and threats of new communication channels. Consumers there to pick up where these are present more and more people are moving into social networks like XING, facebook and twitter. Over half a billion people are registered with facebook – currently the world’s trend is rising. For Michael Kapp the question is not therefore whether companies are dealing with social media, but rather how much and with what strategy. Companies must be present, where their target audience is.

About social communities, companies have the opportunity to establish a direct dialogue with customers and prospects and to attract new customer segments”, so Kohl Prince. Communication on the Internet is by now a two-way street. Customers share in social communities and review forums. Companies receive so feedback on their own activities, can this (re) Act and reputation management”, explains the expert. GoodDays on 14th and 15th October 2013 the take place in Basel for the first time: the highlight of the year for entrepreneurs. 12 high-quality presentations by national and international top speakers held in 48 hours. Inspiring ideas and creative solutions for your own company tasks are available. On Thursday, 14 October, networking and GoodDays Lounge Party will take place at 19:00. “Facts and figures of the lecture: customer acquisition, the future of XING, facebook, twitter & co” Lecturer: Michael Kapp, agency owner of PromoMasters.